Little Friends
Early Learning Center
"Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist."
- Carl Sagan
At Little Friends Early Learning Center, we believe that children learn best through play and their own investigation in the world around us. Our school's philosophy is based on the acronym SEAM, which stands for science, engineering, art, and math. SEAM is a way of integrating knowledge across all subject areas and giving children the opportunity to learn in various settings. Some examples of activities you may see in your child's classroom that follow SEAM could include:
Science: Demonstrating how rain falls by dropping colored water onto clouds of shaving cream
Engineering: Building boats out of tin foil and testing whether they sink or float
Art: Creating a mosaic out of various colored beans
Math: Creating patterns using counters
Wondering how infants fit in with SEAM? Babies can explore science through sensory activities, math/patterns through repetitive songs such as "Old MacDonald", engineering by building with letter blocks, and more!
Events & Workshops
Classroom Setup
Our classrooms are set up into center based learning, allowing the children to explore and learn at their own pace. The centers you will find in our classrooms include:
Art Center
Math Center
Block Area
Dramatic Play
Science Center
Sensory Table
Monthly Themes and Lesson Plans
Forget weekly themes found at other child care centers! At Little Friends ELC, teachers will teach topics based on the children's interest, rather than on a strict week-by-week basis. This will give teachers the opportunity to delve deeper into subjects the students show more of an interest in.
Each month, we will have an overarching theme, giving teachers the freedom to choose topics that fit with that theme. For example: February would be Health and Wellness month. Teachers may choose to teach topics such as dental health, healthy eating, sports, doctors, and more!
Each week, classroom teachers will post their lesson plans for the week in an area of the room accessible to parents.